
Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Cara menyusun kalimat cerita acak dalam bahasa inggris

Menyususn kalimat cerita yang acak dimuali dari hal umum menuju ke hal yang khusus. Hal umum tersebut berupa pengenalan tentang apa yang akan dibahas. Hal yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari kalimat utama untuk awal cerita dengan cirinya, subyek bukan kata ganti, dan kalimatnya masih umum. Untuk menemukan kalimat kedua cari kalimat yang banyak mengandung kata dari  kalimat pertama. Lanjutkan untuk menemukan kalimat ketiga, keempat...

1. In the end, the Crow had no more cakes because of her foolishness.
2. The Crow was so proud to hear this.
3. One day a hungry Fox was walking alone in the jungle.
4. As soon as she opened her beak, the cake fell down.
5. The Crow had a piece of cake on her beak. 
6. The cunning Fox caught the cake happily and ran away.
7. Then she started to open her beak to sing for the Fox.
8. "Oh...beautiful Crow! You're the best singer I've know in the world. I really want to hear          your melodious voice. Please... sing me a song now!"
9.  He saw a Crow perch on a branch of a tree.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?
a. 3-5-2-8-4-9-1-7-6
b. 3-5-7-8-2-9-4-1-6
c. 3-8-2-5-9-7-6-4-1
d. 3-9-5-8-2-7-4-6-1

Teks naratif biasanya diawali dengan one upon a time atau one day, kemudian mengacu pada apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan(pengenalan). Urutannya adalah 3-9-5-8-2-7-4-6-1 (d)

Arrange the following sentences into a good recount text
1. We went for recreation.
2. It's about 50 kilometers to go to the zoo from my house.
3. Last week my parents, sister, brother, and I went to the zoo.
4. We left at 8 a.m and arrived at 9 a.m.
5. There were a lot of people watching a giant snake there.
6. I though it was a biggest snake I had ever seen.
7. It's 60 meters along.
8. After going around and watching various animals, we went home.

A good arrangement is...
a. 3-1-2-4-5-7-6-8
b. 3-1-4-2-5-7-6-8
c. 3-2-4-5-1-7-6-8
d. 3-2-4-1-5-7-8-6

Teks recount biasanya diawali dengan orientation(pengarahan) yang bersifat umum, kemudian dilanjutkan ke kalimat yang menunjukan spesifikasi dan berlanjut pada klimaks cerita, diakhiri oleh kesimpulan. Urutannya adalah 3-1-2-4-5-7-6-8 (a)

1 komentar:

  1. terimakasih gan atas infonya
    monggo ikut kompetisi cerdas cermat online se-jawa timus seri 2 , hadiahnya cukup menarik lho :)
